Around the World for the 1st time [Day 6] Central Market

Around the World for the 1st time [Day 6] Central Market


Central Market

The mermaid said, “I want to eat sea urchin! So we went to the central market. Chile seems to be a sea urchin production area, and I heard that you can even eat raw sea urchin. The raw sea urchin was not tasty…February is not the season for sea urchins, and the flesh was too watery. After that, both of us had diarrhea…

Explore the city of Santiago

After leaving the market, we wandered around downtown. Yes, indeed, mermaid is an expert in bargaining. She haggle with brazen bravado and in Japanese. I have witnessed mermaid haggling many times in my four trips around the world, and they are well trained in the art of bargaining!

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Who wrote this article

President of Rapa Nui Inc. After graduating from high school, I worked at various part-time jobs while searching for her life. 22 years old, I entered a welfare college and qualified as a childcare worker, then transferred to a university to study clinical psychology. After graduation, I worked at a child welfare facility. Left the job after 3 years because I felt there was no future in the welfare profession. Baptized as an affiliate in the early days of affiliate marketing, launched various sites to increase sales and started her own business. after obtaining her home construction license in 2020, I began to enjoy studying law and is currently studying for the bar exam at Ito Juku. between 2017 and 2019, I has circled the world 4 times and is planning a 5th trip.
