Around the World for the 1st time [Day 16] Machu Picchu
Machu Picchu
Today we are going up to Machu Picchu again. Or rather, it is the only place we can go. Yesterday it was gassy, but today it is sunny. Another dog was sleeping in front of the gate. It must be cozy with so many people. We won a lottery ticket to climb the mountain across from Machu Picchu (Huayna Picchu), so that’s why we came here today.
The stones have been quarried and fit together in complex shapes. I couldn’t help but wonder how they could have built something like this deep in the mountains in an age without heavy machinery, but I am convinced that a race from another planet came to earth and built it just for fun, saying, “Let’s surprise the people of earth a little. The same is true of the pyramids.
I believe that people in the past were able to do many things because they were closer to nature than they are now. That is something that modern man has lost at the cost of convenience through the jabbling use of petroleum. I think one of those things is interaction with species from other planets. There was news that “In March 2017, mysterious stone tablets inscribed with images of UFOs and gray-type aliens were discovered in a cave on the border of the Mexican states of Veracruz and Puebla.”

Check Point Waynapicchu
Huayna Picchu is another spectacular viewpoint overlooking Machu Picchu. Like Machu Picchu, there is a limit to the number of people who can climb here on a given day, so there is a lottery. We won the lottery, but when we got to the top of the mountain, it became a hassle and we decided not to go up. How extravagant! It was a little early, so the reception desk was still closed.

Sanctuary Lodge, A Belmond Hotel
We stopped to climb Huayna Picchu, so we had some extra time. We could have still enjoyed Machu Picchu, but it became something of a chore, so we decided to goof off at the lodge we visited yesterday just outside the gate. What luxury!
The buffet was thriving again today. And there was a folklore performance in the room, which I didn’t want to listen to, and when the performance was over, I was asked for a tip, which I was fed up with. It went on endlessly, so I had to evacuate to the restroom when it was time to tip.
Yesterday, the condor pendant that the mermaid bought at a souvenir store came off her neck – condors play an important role in South American mythology and folklore, and come to think of it, there was a condor monument in Ollantaytambo as well – “What? My condor is missing! and I looked everywhere for it, but it was not there. It must have flown away!” We laughed so hard at that! The Condor flies away!